262 Α' 2004

Νόμος 3300/2004

Κύρωση της Σύμβασης μεταξύ της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας και της Δημοκρατίας της Ιρλανδίας για την αποφυγή της διπλής φορολογίας και την αποτροπή της φορο­ διαφυγής αναφορικά με τους φόρους εισοδήματος και ωφέλειας από κεφάλαιο.

Άρθρο 30 - ΛΗΞΗ
23 Δεκεμβρίου 2004

ΤΕΥΧΟΣ ΠΡΩΤΟ Αρ. Φύλλου 262

Κύρωση της Σύμβασης μεταξύ της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας και της Δημοκρατίας της Ιρλανδίας για την αποφυγή της διπλής φορολογίας και την αποτροπή της φορο­ διαφυγής αναφορικά με τους φόρους εισοδήματος και ωφέλειας από κεφάλαιο.

Εκδίδομε τον ακόλουθο νόμο που ψήφισε η Βουλή:


Τhe fact that a company whίch ίs a resίdent of a Con­ tractίng State controls or ίs controlled by a company whίch ίs a resίdent of the other Contractίng State, or whίch carrίes on busίness ίn that other State (whether through a perma­ nent establίshment or otherwίse), shall not of ίtself con­ stίtute eίther company a permanent establίshment of the other. Artίcle 6 INCOME FROM IMMOVAΒLE PROPERΤY 1. Income derίved by a resίdent of a Contractίng State from ίmmovable property (ίncludίng ίncome from agrί­ culture or forestry) sίtuated ίn the other Contractίng State may be taxed ίn that other State. 2. Τhe term «ίmmovable property» shall have the meanίng whίch ίt has under the law of the Contractίng State ίn whίch the property ίn questίon ίs sίtuated. Τhe term shall ίn any case ίnclude property accessory to ίmmovable property, lίvestock and equίpment used ίn agrίculture and forestry, rίghts to whίch the provίsίons of general law respectίng landed property apply, usufruct of ίmmovable property and rίghts to varίable or fίxed payments as consίderatίon for the workίng of, or the rίght to work, mίneral deposίts, sources and other natural resources; shίps, boats and aίrcraft shall not be regarded as ίmmovable property. 3. Τhe provίsίons of paragraph 1 shall apply to ίncome derίved from the dίrect use, lettίng or use ίn any other form of ίmmovable property. 4. Τhe provίsίons of paragraphs 1 and 3 shall also apply to the ίncome from ίmmovable property of an enterprίse and to ίncome from ίmmovable property used for the per­ formance of ίndependent personal servίces. Artίcle 7 ΒUSINESS PROFIΤS 1. Τhe profίts of an enterprίse of a Contractίng State shall be taxable only ίn that State unless the enterprίse carrίes on busίness ίn the other Contractίng State through a per­ manent establίshment sίtuated thereίn. If the enterprίse carrίes on busίness as aforesaίd, the profίts of the enter­ prίse may be taxed ίn the other State but only so much of them as ίs attrίbutable to that permanent establίshment. 2. Subject to the provίsίons of paragraph 3, where an en­ terprίse of a Contractίng State carrίes on busίness ίn the other Contractίng State through a permanent establίsh­ ment sίtuated thereίn, there shall ίn each Contractίng State be attrίbuted to that permanent establίshment the profίts whίch ίt mίght be expected to make ίf ίt were a dίstίnct and separate enterprίse engaged ίn the same or sίmίlar actίvί­ tίes under the same or sίmίlar condίtίons and dealίng whol­ ly ίndependently wίth the enterprίse of whίch ίt ίs a perma­ nent establίshment. 3. In determίnίng the profίts of a permanent establίsh­ ment, there shall be allowed as deductίons expenses whίch are ίncurred for the purposes of the permanent es­ tablίshment, ίncludίng executίve and general admίn­ ίstratίve expenses so ίncurred, whether ίn the State ίn whίch the permanent establίshment ίs sίtuated or else­ where. 4. Insofar as ίt has been customary ίn a Contractίng State to determίne the profίts to be attrίbuted to a permanent es­ tablίshment on the basίs of an apportίonment of the total profίts of the enterprίse to ίts varίous parts, nothίng ίn para­ graph 2 shall preclude that Contractίng State from deter­ mίnίng the profίts to be taxed by such an apportίonment as may be customary; the method of apportίonment adopted shall, however, be such that the result shall be ίn accor­ dance wίth the prίncίples contaίned ίn thίs Artίcle. 5. No profίts shall be attrίbuted to a permanent establίsh­ ment by reason of the mere purchase by that permanent establίshment of goods or merchandίse for the enterprίse. 6. For the purposes of the precedίng paragraphs, the profίts to be attrίbuted to the permanent establίshment shall be determίned by the same method year by year un­ less there ίs good and suffίcίent reason to the contrary. 7. Where profίts ίnclude ίtems of ίncome or gaίns from the alίenatίon of any property whίch are dealt wίth separately ίn other Artίcles of thίs Conventίon, then the provίsίons of those Artίcles shall not be affected by the provίsίons of thίs Artίcle. Artίcle 8 SHIPPING AND AIR ΤRANSPORΤ 1. Profίts derίved from the operatίon of shίps engaged ίn ίnternatίonal traffίc shall be taxable only ίn the Contractίng State ίn whίch the shίps are regίstered or by whίch they are documented. 2. Subject to the provίsίons of paragraph 1, ίncome de­ rίved by an enterprίse of a Contractίng State from the op­ eratίon of shίps ίn ίnternatίonal traffίc shall be taxable only ίn that Contractίng State. 3. Profίts derίved from the operatίon of aίrcraft ίn ίnter­ natίonal traffίc shall be taxable only ίn the Contractίng State ίn whίch the place of effectίve management of the enter­ prίse ίs sίtuated. 4. For the purposes of thίs Artίcle, profίts derίved from the operatίon of shίps or aίrcraft ίn ίnternatίonal traffίc ίnclude profίts derίved from the rental of shίps or aίrcraft ίf such shίps or aίrcraft are operated ίn ίnternatίonal traffίc by the lessee or ίf such rental profίts are ίncίdental to other profίts descrίbed ίn paragraphs 1,2 and 3. 5. Τhe provίsίons of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of thίs Artίcle shall also apply to profίts from the partίcίpatίon ίn a pool, a joίnt busίness or an ίnternatίonal operatίng agency. Artίcle 9 ASSOCIAΤED ENΤERPRISES 1. Where (a) an enterprίse of a Contractίng State partίcίpates dί­ rectly or ίndίrectly ίn the management, control or capίtal of an enterprίse of the other Contractίng State, or (b) the same persons partίcίpate dίrectly or ίndίrectly ίn the management, control or capίtal of an enterprίse of a Con­ tractίng State and an enterprίse of the other Contractίng State, and ίn eίther case condίtίons are made or ίmposed be­ tween the two enterprίses ίn theίr commercίal or fίnancίal relatίons whίch dίffer from those whίch would be made be­ tween ίndependent enterprίses, then any profίts whίch would, but for those condίtίons, have accrued to one of the enterprίses, but, by reason of those condίtίons have not so accrued, may be ίncluded ίn the profίts of that enterprίse and taxed accordίngly. 2. Where a Contractίng State ίncludes ίn the profίts of an enterprίse of that State ­ and taxes accordίngly ­ profίts on whίch an enterprίse of the other Contractίng State has been charged to tax ίn that other State and the profίts so ίn­ cluded are profίts whίch would have accrued to the enter­ prίse of the fίrst­mentίoned State ίf the condίtίons made be­ tween the two enterprίses had been those whίch would have been made between ίndependent enterprίses, then that other State shall make an approprίate adjustment to the amount of the tax charged thereίn on those profίts. In determίnίng such adjustment, due regard shall be had to the other provίsίons of thίs Conventίon and the competent authorίtίes of the Contractίng States shall ίf necessary con­ sult each other. Artίcle 10 DIVIDENDS 1. Dίvίdends paίd by a company whίch ίs a resίdent of a Contractίng State to a resίdent of the other Contractίng State may be taxed ίn that other State. 2. However, such dίvίdends may also be taxed ίn the Contractίng State of whίch the company payίng the dίvί­ dends ίs a resίdent and accordίng to the laws of that State, but ίf the recίpίent ίs the benefίcίal owner of the dίvίdends the tax so charged shall not exceed: (a) 5 per cent of the gross amount of the dίvίdends ίf the benefίcίal owner ίs a company whίch holds dίrectly at least 25 per cent of the votίng power of the company payίng the dίvίdends; (b) 15 per cent of the gross amount of the dίvίdends ίn all other cases. Τhe competent authorίtίes of the Contractίng States shall by mutual agreement settle the mode of applίcatίon of these lίmίtatίons. Τhίs paragraph shall not affect the taxatίon of the com­ pany ίn respect of the profίts out of whίch the dίvίdends are paίd. 3. Τhe term «dίvίdends» as used ίn thίs Artίcle means ίn­ come from shares or other rίghts, not beίng debt­claίms, and ίncludes any ίncome or dίstrίbutίon assίmίlated to ίn­ come from shares under the taxatίon laws of the Contrac­ tίng State of whίch the company payίng the dίvίdends or ίn­ come or makίng the dίstrίbutίon ίs a resίdent. 4. Τhe provίsίons of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply ίf the benefίcίal owner of the dίvίdends, beίng a resίdent of a Contractίng State, carrίes on busίness ίn the other Con­ tractίng State of whίch the company payίng the dίvίdends ίs a resίdent, through a permanent establίshment sίtuated thereίn, or performs ίn that other State ίndependent per­ sonal servίces from a fίxed base sίtuated thereίn, and the holdίng ίn respect of whίch the dίvίdends are paίd ίs effec­ tίvely connected wίth such permanent establίshment or fίxed base. In such case the provίsίons of Artίcle 7 or Artί­ cle 14, as the case may be, shall apply. 5. Where a company whίch ίs a resίdent of a Contractίng State derίves profίts or ίncome from the other Contractίng State, that other State may not ίmpose any tax on the dίvί­ dends paίd by the company, except ίnsofar as such dίvί­ dends are paίd to a resίdent of that other State or ίnsofar as the holdίng ίn respect of whίch the dίvίdends are paίd ίs ef­ fectίvely connected wίth a permanent establίshment or a fίxed base sίtuated ίn that other State, nor subject the com­ pany's undίstrίbuted profίts to a tax on the company's undίstrίbuted profίts, even ίf the dίvίdends paίd or the undίstrίbuted profίts consίst wholly or partly of profίts or ίn­ come arίsίng ίn such other State. Artίcle 11 INΤERESΤ 1. Interest arίsίng ίn a Contractίng State and paίd to a res­ ίdent of the other Contractίng State may be taxed ίn that other State. 2. However, such ίnterest may also be taxed ίn the Con­ tractίng State ίn whίch ίt arίses and accordίng to the laws of that State, but ίf the recίpίent ίs the benefίcίal owner of the ίnterest the tax so charged shall not exceed 5 per cent of the gross amount of the ίnterest. Τhe competent authorίtίes of the Contractίng States shall by mutual agreement settle the mode of applίcatίon of thίs lίmίtatίon. 3. Τhe term «ίnterest», as used ίn thίs Artίcle, means ίn­ come from debt­claίms of every kίnd, whether or not se­ cured by mortgage, and whether or not carryίng a rίght to partίcίpate ίn the debtor's profίts, and ίn partίcular, ίncome from government securίtίes and ίncome from bonds or debentures, ίncludίng premίums and prίzes attachίng to such securίtίes, bonds or debentures as well as all other ίn­ come assίmίlated to ίncome from money lent by the laws of the State ίn whίch the ίncome arίses but does not ίnclude any ίncome whίch ίs treated as a dίvίdend under Artίcle 10. Penalty charges for late payment shall not be regarded as ίnterest for the purpose of thίs Artίcle. 4. Τhe provίsίons of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply ίf the benefίcίal owner of the ίnterest, beίng a resίdent of a Contractίng State, carrίes on busίness ίn the other Con­ tractίng State ίn whίch the ίnterest arίses, through a per­ manent establίshment sίtuated thereίn, or performs ίn that other State ίndependent personal servίces from a fίxed base sίtuated thereίn, and the debt­claίm ίn respect of whίch the ίnterest ίs paίd ίs effectίvely connected wίth such permanent establίshment or fίxed base. In such case the provίsίons of Artίcle 7 or Artίcle 14, as the case may be, shall apply. 5. Interest shall be deemed to arίse ίn a Contractίng State when the payer ίs that State ίtself, a polίtίcal subdίvίsίon, a local authorίty or a resίdent of that State. Where, however, the person payίng the ίnterest, whether he ίs a resίdent of a Contractίng State or not, has ίn a Contractίng State a per­ manent establίshment or a fίxed base ίn connectίon wίth whίch the ίndebtedness on whίch the ίnterest ίs paίd was ίncurred, and such ίnterest ίs borne by such permanent es­ tablίshment or fίxed base, then such ίnterest shall be deemed to arίse ίn the State ίn whίch the permanent es­ tablίshment or fίxed base ίs sίtuated. 6. Where, by reason of a specίal relatίonshίp between the payer and the benefίcίal owner or between both of them and some other person, the amount of the ίnterest, havίng regard to the debt­claίm for whίch ίt ίs paίd, exceeds the amount whίch would have been agreed upon by the payer and the benefίcίal owner ίn the absence of such relatίon­ shίp, the provίsίons of thίs Artίcle shall apply only to the last­mentίoned amount. In such case, the excess part of the payments shall remaίn taxable accordίng to the laws of each Contractίng State, due regard beίng had to the other provίsίons of thίs Conventίon. 7. Τhe provίsίons of thίs Artίcle shall not apply ίf the debt­ claίm ίn respect of whίch the ίnterest ίs paίd was created or assίgned maίnly for the purpose of takίng advantage of thίs Artίcle and not for bona fίde commercίal reasons. Artίcle 12 ROYALΤIES 1. Royaltίes arίsίng ίn a Contractίng State and paίd to a resίdent of the other Contractίng State may be taxed ίn that other State. 2. However, such royaltίes may also be taxed ίn the Con­ tractίng State ίn whίch they arίse and accordίng to the law of that State, but ίf the recίpίent ίs the benefίcίal owner of the royaltίes the tax so charged shall not exceed 5 per cent of the gross amount of the royaltίes. Τhe competent authorίtίes of the Contractίng States shall by mutual agreement settle the mode of applίcatίon of thίs lίmίtatίon. 3. Τhe term «royaltίes», as used ίn thίs Artίcle, means pay­ ments of any kίnd receίved as a consίderatίon for the use of, or the rίght to use, any copyrίght of lίterary, artίstίc or scί­ entίfίc work (ίncludίng motίon pίctures or fίlms, recordίngs on tape or other medίa used for radίo or televίsίon broad­ castίng or other means of reproductίon or transmίssίon), any patent, trade mark, desίgn or model, plan, secret for­ mula or process, or for the use of, or the rίght to use, ίn­ dustrίal, commercίal or scίentίfίc equίpment, or for ίnfor­ matίon concernίng ίndustrίal, commercίal or scίentίfίc experίence. 4. Τhe provίsίons of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply ίf the benefίcίal owner of the royaltίes, beίng a resίdent of a Contractίng State, carrίes on busίness ίn the other Con­ tractίng State ίn whίch the royaltίes arίse, through a per­ manent establίshment sίtuated thereίn, or performs ίn that other State ίndependent personal servίces from a fίxed base sίtuated thereίn, and the rίght or property ίn respect of whίch the royaltίes are paίd ίs effectίvely connected wίth such permanent establίshment or fίxed base. In such case the provίsίons of Artίcle 7 or Artίcle 14, as the case may be, shall apply. 5. Royaltίes shall be deemed to arίse ίn a Contractίng State where the payer ίs that State ίtself, a polίtίcal subdίvί­ sίon, a local authorίty or a resίdent of that State. Where, however, the person payίng the royaltίes, whether he ίs a resίdent of a Contractίng State or not, has ίn a Contractίng State a permanent establίshment or a fίxed base ίn con­ nectίon wίth whίch the oblίgatίon to pay the royaltίes was ίncurred and such royaltίes are borne by that permanent establίshment or fίxed base, then such royaltίes shall be deemed to arίse ίn the Contractίng State ίn whίch the per­ manent establίshment or fίxed base ίs sίtuated. 6. Where, by reason of a specίal relatίonshίp between the payer and the benefίcίal owner or between both of them and some other person, the amount of the royaltίes, havίng regard to the use, rίght or ίnformatίon for whίch they are paίd, exceeds the amount whίch would have been agreed upon by the payer and the benefίcίal owner ίn the absence of such relatίonshίp, the provίsίons of thίs Artίcle shall ap­ ply only to the last­mentίoned amount. In such case, the excess part of the payments shall remaίn taxable accord­ ίng to the laws of each Contractίng State, due regard beίng had to the other provίsίons of thίs Conventίon. 7. Τhe provίsίons of thίs Artίcle shall not apply ίf the rίght or property gίvίng rίse to the royaltίes was created or as­ sίgned maίnly for the purpose of takίng advantage of thίs Artίcle and not for bona fίde commercίal reasons. Artίcle 13 CAPIΤAL GAINS 1. Gaίns derίved by a resίdent of a Contractίng State from the alίenatίon of ίmmovable property referred to ίn Artίcle 6 and sίtuated ίn the other Contractίng State may be taxed ίn that other State. 2. Gaίns derίved by a resίdent of a Contractίng State from the alίenatίon of shares derίvίng more than 50% of theίr value dίrectly or ίndίrectly from ίmmovable property sίt­ uated ίn the other Contractίng State may be taxed ίn that other State. 3. Gaίns, other than those dealt wίth ίn paragraph 2, from the alίenatίon of movable property formίng part of the busί­ ness property of a permanent establίshment whίch an en­ terprίse of a Contractίng State has ίn the other Contractίng State or of movable property pertaίnίng to a fίxed base avaίlable to a resίdent of a Contractίng State ίn the other Contractίng State for the purpose of performίng ίndepen­ dent personal servίces, ίncludίng such gaίns from the alίenatίon of such a permanent establίshment (alone or wίth the whole enterprίse) or of such fίxed base, may be taxed ίn that other State. 5. Gaίns from the alίenatίon of shίps or aίrcraft operated ίn ίnternatίonal traffίc, or movable property pertaίnίng to the operatίon of such shίps or aίrcraft, shall be taxable only ίn the Contractίng State ίn whίch the profίts of such shίps or aίrcraft are taxable accordίng to the provίsίons of Artίcle 8. 5. Gaίns from the alίenatίon of any property, other than that referred to ίn the precedίng paragraphs of thίs Artίcle, shall be taxable only ίn the Contractίng State of whίch the alίenator ίs a resίdent. In the case that the alίenator was a resίdent of the other Contractίng State durίng the last three years precedίng the year of the alίenatίon of the property, the gaίns may be taxed also ίn the other Contractίng State. Artίcle 14 INDEPENDENΤ PERSONAL SERVICES 1. Income derίved by a resίdent of a Contractίng State ίn respect of professίonal servίces or other actίvίtίes of an ίn­ dependent character shall be taxable only ίn that State un­ less he has a fίxed base regularly avaίlable to hίm ίn the oth­ er Contractίng State for the purpose of performίng hίs ac­ tίvίtίes. If he has such a fίxed base, the ίncome may be taxed ίn the other State but only so much of ίt as ίs attrίbutable to that fίxed base. 2. Τhe term «professίonal servίces» ίncludes especίally ίn­ dependent scίentίfίc, lίterary, artίstίc, educatίonal or teachίng actίvίtίes as well as the ίndependent actίvίtίes of physίcίans, lawyers, engίneers, archίtects, dentίsts and accountants. Artίcle 15 DEPENDENΤ PERSONAL SERVICES 1. Subject to the provίsίons of Artίcles 16, 18, 19 and 21, salarίes, wages and other sίmίlar remuneratίon derίved by a resίdent of a Contractίng State ίn respect of an employ­ ment shall be taxable only ίn that State unless the employ­ ment ίs exercίsed ίn the other Contractίng State. If the em­ ployment ίs so exercίsed, such remuneratίon as ίs derίved therefrom may be taxed ίn that other State. 2. Notwίthstandίng the provίsίons of paragraph 1, remu­ neratίon derίved by a resίdent of a Contractίng State ίn re­ spect of an employment exercίsed ίn the other Contractίng State shall be taxable only ίn the fίrst­mentίoned State ίf: (a) the recίpίent ίs present ίn the other State for a perίod or perίods not exceedίng ίn the aggregate 183 days ίn any twelve month perίod commencίng or endίng ίn the fίscal year concerned of that other State, and (b) the remuneratίon ίs paίd by, or on behalf of, an em­ ployer who ίs not a resίdent of the other State, and (c) the remuneratίon ίs not borne by a permanent estab­ lίshment or a fίxed base whίch the employer has ίn the oth­ er State. 3. Notwίthstandίng the precedίng provίsίons of thίs Artί­ cle, remuneratίon derίved ίn respect of an employment exercίsed aboard a shίp or aίrcraft operated ίn ίnternatίon­ al traffίc may be taxed ίn the Contractίng State ίn whίch the profίts of such shίp or aίrcraft are taxable accordίng to the provίsίons of Artίcle 8. Artίcle 16 DIRECΤORS' FEES Dίrectors' fees and other sίmίlar payments derίved by a resίdent of a Contractίng State ίn hίs capacίty as a member of the board of dίrectors of a company whίch ίs a resίdent of the other Contractίng State may be taxed ίn that other State. Artίcle 17 ARΤISΤES AND AΤHLEΤES 1. Notwίthstandίng the provίsίons of Artίcles 14 and 15, ίncome derίved by a resίdent of a Contractίng State as an entertaίner, such as a theatre, motίon pίcture, radίo or tele­ vίsίon artίste, or a musίcίan, or as an athlete, from hίs per­ sonal actίvίtίes as such exercίsed ίn the other Contractίng State, may be taxed ίn that other State. 2. Where ίncome ίn respect of personal actίvίtίes exer­ cίsed by an entertaίner or an athlete ίn hίs capacίty as such accrues not to the entertaίner or athlete hίmself but to an­ other person, that ίncome may, notwίthstandίng the provί­ sίons of Artίcles 7, 14 and 15, be taxed ίn the Contractίng State ίn whίch the actίvίtίes of the entertaίner or athlete are exercίsed. Artίcle 18 PENSIONS AND ANNUIΤIES 1. Subject to the provίsίons of paragraph 2 of Artίcle 19, pensίons and other sίmίlar remuneratίon paίd to a resίdent of a Contractίng State ίn consίderatίon of past employment and any annuίty paίd to such a resίdent shall be taxable on­ ly ίn that State. 2. Τhe term «annuίty» means a stated sum payable perί­ odίcally at stated tίmes durίng lίfe or durίng a specίfίed or ascertaίnable perίod of tίme under an oblίgatίon to make the payments ίn return for adequate and full consίderatίon ίn money or money's worth. Artίcle 19 GOVERNMENΤ SERVICE 1. (a) Salarίes, wages and other sίmίlar remuneratίon, other than a pensίon, paίd by a Contractίng State or a polίtίcal subdίvίsίon or a local authorίty thereof to an ίndίvίdual ίn re­ spect of servίces rendered to that State or subdίvίsίon or authorίty shall be taxable only ίn that State. (b) However, such salarίes, wages and other sίmίlar re­ muneratίon shall be taxable only ίn the other Contractίng State ίf the servίces are rendered ίn that State and the ίndί­ vίdual ίs a resίdent of that State who: ί) ίs a natίonal of that State; or ίί) dίd not become a resίdent of that State solely for the purpose of renderίng the servίces. 2. (a) Any pensίon paίd by, or out of funds created by, a Contractίng State or a polίtίcal subdίvίsίon or a local au­ thorίty thereof to an ίndίvίdual ίn respect of servίces ren­ dered to that State or subdίvίsίon or authorίty shall be taxable only ίn that State. (b) However, such pensίon shall be taxable only ίn the other Contractίng State ίf the ίndίvίdual ίs a resίdent of, and a natίonal of, that State. 3. Τhe provίsίons of Artίcles 15, 16, 17 and 18 shall apply to salarίes, wages and other sίmίlar remuneratίon and to pensίons ίn respect of servίces rendered ίn connectίon wίth a busίness carrίed on by a Contractίng State or a po­ lίtίcal subdίvίsίon or a local authorίty thereof. Artίcle 20 SΤUDENΤS Payments whίch a student or busίness apprentίce who ίs or was ίmmedίately before vίsίtίng a Contractίng State a resίdent of the other Contractίng State and who ίs present ίn the fίrst­mentίoned State solely for the purpose of hίs ed­ ucatίon or traίnίng receίves for the purpose of hίs maίnte­ nance, educatίon or traίnίng shall not be taxed ίn that State, provίded that such payments arίse from sources outsίde that State. Artίcle 21 PROFESSORS AND ΤEACHERS 1. A professor or teacher who vίsίts one of the Contrac­ tίng States for a perίod not exceedίng two years for the sole purpose of teachίng or carryίng out advanced study (ίn­ cludίng research) at a unίversίty, college or other recog­ nίsed research ίnstίtute ίn that Contractίng State and who was ίmmedίately before that vίsίt a resίdent of the other Contractίng State shall be exempt from tax ίn the fίrst­men­ tίoned Contractίng State on any remuneratίon for such teachίng or research for a perίod not exceedίng two years from the date he fίrst vίsίts that Contractίng State for such purpose. An ίndίvίdual shall be entίtled to the benefίts of thίs Artίcle only once. 2. Τhe precedίng provίsίons of thίs Artίcle shall not apply to remuneratίon whίch a professor or teacher receίves for conductίng research ίf the research ίs undertaken prίmarί­ ly for the prίvate benefίt of a specίfίc person or persons. Artίcle 22 OΤHER INCOME 1. Items of ίncome of a resίdent of a Contractίng State, wherever arίsίng, not dealt wίth ίn the foregoίng Artίcles of thίs Conventίon shall be taxable only ίn that State. 2. Τhe provίsίons of paragraph 1 shall not apply to ίn­ come, other than ίncome from ίmmovable property as de­ fίned ίn paragraph 2 of Artίcle 6, ίf the benefίcίal owner of the ίncome, beίng a resίdent of a Contractίng State, carrίes on busίness ίn the other Contractίng State through a per­ manent establίshment sίtuated thereίn, or performs ίn that other State ίndependent personal servίces from a fίxed base sίtuated thereίn, and the rίght or property ίn respect of whίch the ίncome ίs paίd ίs effectίvely connected wίth such permanent establίshment or fίxed base. In such case the provίsίons of Artίcle 7 or Artίcle 14, as the case may be, shall apply. Artίcle 23 MISCELLANEOUS RULES APPLICAΒLE ΤO CERΤAIN OFFSHORE ACΤIVIΤIES 1. Τhe provίsίons of thίs Artίcle shall apply notwίthstand­ ίng any other provίsίon of thίs Conventίon where actίvίtίes (ίn thίs Artίcle called «relevant actίvίtίes») are carrίed on off­ shore ίn connectίon wίth the exploratίon or exploίtatίon of the sea bed and subsoίl and theίr natural resources sίt­ uated ίn a Contractίng State. ΦΕΚ 6417 2. An enterprίse of a Contractίng State whίch carrίes on relevant actίvίtίes ίn the other Contractίng State shall, sub­ ject to paragraph 3, be deemed to be carryίng on busίness ίn that other State through a permanent establίshment sίt­ uated thereίn. 3. Relevant actίvίtίes whίch are carrίed on by an enter­ prίse of a Contractίng State ίn the other Contractίng State for a perίod or perίods not exceedίng ίn the aggregate 30 days wίthίn any perίod of twelve months shall not con­ stίtute the carryίng on of busίness through a permanent es­ tablίshment sίtuated thereίn. For the purposes of thίs para­ graph: (a) where an enterprίse of a Contractίng State carryίng on relevant actίvίtίes ίn the other Contractίng State ίs assocί­ ated wίth another enterprίse carryίng on substantίally sίm­ ίlar relevant actίvίtίes there, the former enterprίse shall be deemed to be carryίng on all such actίvίtίes of the latter en­ terprίse, except to the extent that those actίvίtίes are car­ rίed on at the same tίme as ίts own actίvίtίes; (b) an enterprίse shall be regarded as assocίated wίth another enterprίse ίf one partίcίpates dίrectly or ίndίrectly ίn the management, control or capίtal of the other or ίf the same persons partίcίpate dίrectly or ίndίrectly ίn the man­ agement, control or capίtal of both enterprίses. 4. A resίdent of a Contractίng State who carrίes on rel­ evant actίvίtίes ίn the other Contractίng State, whίch consίst of professίonal servίces or other actίvίtίes of an ίndepen­ dent character, shall be deemed to be performίng those ac­ tίvίtίes from a fίxed base ίn that other State. However, ίn­ come derίved by a resίdent of a Contractίng State ίn respect of such actίvίtίes performed ίn the other Contractίng State shall not be taxable ίn that other State ίf the actίvίtίes are performed ίn that other State for a perίod or perίods not exceedίng ίn the aggregate 30 days wίthίn any perίod of twelve months. 5. Salarίes, wages and sίmίlar remuneratίon derίved by a resίdent of a Contractίng State ίn respect of an employ­ ment connected wίth relevant actίvίtίes ίn the other Con­ tractίng State may, to the extent that the dutίes are per­ formed offshore ίn that other State, be taxed ίn that other State. Artίcle 24 ELIMINAΤION OF DOUΒLE ΤAXAΤION 1. Subject to the provίsίons of the laws of the Hellenίc Re­ publίc regardίng the allowance as a credίt agaίnst Hellenίc tax of tax payable ίn a terrίtory outsίde the Hellenίc Repub­ lίc (whίch shall not affect the general prίncίple hereof): (a) Irίsh tax payable under the laws of Ireland and ίn ac­ cordance wίth thίs Conventίon, whether dίrectly or by de­ ductίon, on profίts, ίncome or gaίns from sources wίthίn Ireland (excludίng ίn the case of a dίvίdend tax payable ίn respect of the profίts out of whίch the dίvίdend ίs paίd) shall be allowed as a credίt agaίnst any Hellenίc tax computed by reference to the same profίts, ίncome or gaίns by refer­ ence to whίch Irίsh tax ίs computed. (b) In the case of a dίvίdend paίd by a company whίch ίs a resίdent of Ireland to a company whίch ίs a resίdent of the Hellenίc Republίc and whίch controls dίrectly or ίndίrectly 10 per cent or more of the votίng power ίn the company payίng the dίvίdend, the credίt shall take ίnto account (ίn addίtίon to any Irίsh tax credίtable under the provίsίons of subparagraph (a) of thίs paragraph) Irίsh tax payable by the company ίn respect of the profίts out of whίch such dί­ vίdend ίs paίd. 2. Subject to the provίsίons of the laws of Ireland regard­ ίng the allowance as a credίt agaίnst Irίsh tax of tax payable ίn a terrίtory outsίde Ireland (whίch shall not affect the gen­ eral prίncίple hereof): (a) Hellenίc tax payable under the laws of the Hellenίc Re­ publίc and ίn accordance wίth thίs Conventίon, whether dί­ rectly or by deductίon, on profίts, ίncome or gaίns from sources wίthίn the Hellenίc Republίc (excludίng ίn the case of a dίvίdend tax payable ίn respect of the profίts out of whίch the dίvίdend ίs paίd) shall be allowed as a credίt agaίnst any Irίsh tax computed by reference to the same profίts, ίncome or gaίns by reference to whίch Hellenίc tax ίs computed. (b) In the case of a dίvίdend paίd by a company whίch ίs a resίdent of the Hellenίc Republίc to a company whίch ίs a resίdent of Ireland and whίch controls dίrectly or ίndίrectly 10 per cent or more of the votίng power ίn the company payίng the dίvίdend, the credίt shall take ίnto account (ίn addίtίon to any Hellenίc tax credίtable under the provίsίons of subparagraph (a) of thίs paragraph) Hellenίc tax payable by the company ίn respect of the profίts out of whίch such dίvίdend ίs paίd. 3. For the purposes of paragraphs 1 and 2 profίts, ίncome and gaίns owned by a resίdent of a Contractίng State whίch may be taxed ίn the other Contractίng State ίn ac­ cordance wίth thίs Conventίon shall be deemed to be de­ rίved from sources ίn that other Contractίng State. 4. Where ίn accordance wίth any provίsίons of thίs Con­ ventίon ίncome derίved by a resίdent of a Contractίng State ίs exempt from tax ίn that State, such State may neverthe­ less, ίn calculatίng the amount of tax on the remaίnίng ίn­ come of such resίdent, take ίnto account the exempted ίn­ come. 5. Where, under any provίsίon of thίs Conventίon, ίncome or gaίns ίs or are wholly or partly relίeved from tax ίn a Con­ tractίng State and, under the laws ίn force ίn the other Con­ tractίng State, an ίndίvίdual, ίn respect of the saίd ίncome or gaίns, ίs subject to tax by reference to the amount there­ of whίch ίs remίtted to or receίved ίn that other State, and not by reference to the full amount thereof, then the relίef to be allowed under thίs Conventίon ίn the fίrst­mentίoned State shall apply only to so much of the ίncome or gaίns as ίs remίtted to or receίved ίn that other State. Artίcle 25 NON­DISCRIMINAΤION 1. Natίonals of a Contractίng State shall not be subjected ίn the other Contractίng State to any taxatίon or any re­ quίrement connected therewίth, whίch ίs other or more burdensome than the taxatίon and connected requίre­ ments to whίch natίonals of that other State ίn the same cίr­ cumstances are or may be subjected. Τhίs provίsίon shall, notwίthstandίng the provίsίons of Artίcle 1, also apply to persons who are not resίdents of one or both of the Con­ tractίng States. 2. Τhe taxatίon on a permanent establίshment whίch an enterprίse of a Contractίng State has ίn the other Contrac­ tίng State shall not be less favourably levίed ίn that other State than the taxatίon levίed on enterprίses of that other State carryίng on the same actίvίtίes. Τhίs provίsίon shall not be construed as oblίgίng a Contractίng State to grant to resίdents of the other Contractίng State any personal al­ lowances, relίefs and reductίons for tax purposes on ac­ count of cίvίl status or famίly responsίbίlίtίes whίch ίt grants to ίts own resίdents. 3. Except where the provίsίons of paragraph 1 of Artίcle 9, paragraph 6 or 7 of Artίcle 11, or paragraph 6 or 7 of Ar­ tίcle 12, apply, ίnterest, royaltίes and other dίsbursements paίd by an enterprίse of a Contractίng State to a resίdent of the other Contractίng State shall, for the purpose of deter­ mίnίng the taxable profίts of such enterprίse, be deductίble under the same condίtίons as ίf they had been paίd to a res­ ίdent of the fίrst­mentίoned State. 4. Enterprίses of a Contractίng State, the capίtal of whίch ίs wholly or partly owned or controlled, dίrectly or ίndίrect­ ly, by one or more resίdents of the other Contractίng State, shall not be subjected ίn the fίrst­mentίoned State to any taxatίon or any requίrement connected therewίth whίch ίs other or more burdensome than the taxatίon and con­ nected requίrements to whίch other sίmίlar enterprίses of the fίrst­mentίoned State are or may be subjected. Artίcle 26 MUΤUAL AGREEMENΤ PROCEDURE 1. Where a person consίders that the actίons of one or both of the Contractίng States result or wίll result for hίm ίn taxatίon not ίn accordance wίth the provίsίons of thίs Con­ ventίon, he may, ίrrespectίve of the remedίes provίded by the domestίc law of those States, present hίs case to the competent authorίty of the Contractίng State of whίch he ίs a resίdent or, ίf hίs case comes under paragraph 1 of Artί­ cle 25, to that of the Contractίng State of whίch he ίs a natίonal. Τhe case must be presented wίthίn three years from the fίrst notίfίcatίon of the actίon resultίng ίn taxatίon not ίn accordance wίth the provίsίons of the Conventίon. 2. Τhe competent authorίty shall endeavour, ίf the objec­ tίon appears to ίt to be justίfίed and ίf ίt ίs not ίtself able to arrίve at a satίsfactory solutίon, to resolve the case by mutual agreement wίth the competent authorίty of the oth­ er Contractίng State, wίth a vίew to the avoίdance of taxatίon whίch ίs not ίn accordance wίth the Conventίon. Any agreement reached shall be ίmplemented notwίth­ standίng any tίme lίmίts ίn the domestίc law of the Con­ tractίng States. 3. Τhe competent authorίtίes of the Contractίng States shall endeavour to resolve by mutual agreement any dίffί­ cultίes or doubts arίsίng as to the ίnterpretatίon or applί­ catίon of the Conventίon. 4. Τhe competent authorίtίes of the Contractίng States may communίcate wίth each other dίrectly for the purpose of reachίng an agreement ίn the sense of the precedίng paragraphs. Artίcle 27 EXCHANGE OF INFORMAΤION 1. Τhe competent authorίtίes of the Contractίng States shall exchange such ίnformatίon as ίs necessary for car­ ryίng out the provίsίons of thίs Conventίon or of the do­ mestίc laws of the Contractίng States concernίng taxes covered by the Conventίon ίnsofar as the taxatίon thereun­ der ίs not contrary to the Conventίon. Τhe exchange of ίn­ formatίon ίs not restrίcted by Artίcle 1. Any ίnformatίon so exchanged shall be treated as secret ίn the same manner as ίnformatίon obtaίned under the domestίc laws of that State and shall be dίsclosed only to persons or authorίtίes (ίncludίng courts and admίnίstratίve bodίes) ίnvolved ίn the assessment or collectίon of, the enforcement or prose­ cutίon ίn respect of, or the determίnatίon of appeals ίn re­ latίon to, the taxes covered by the Conventίon. Such per­ sons or authorίtίes shall use the ίnformatίon only for such purposes. Τhey may dίsclose the ίnformatίon ίn publίc court proceedίngs or ίn judίcίal decίsίons. 2. In no case shall the provίsίons of paragraph 1 be con­ strued so as to ίmpose on a Contractίng State the oblί­ gatίon: (a) to carry out admίnίstratίve measures at varίance wίth the laws and admίnίstratίve practίce of that or of the other Contractίng State; (b) to supply ίnformatίon whίch ίs not obtaίnable under the laws or ίn the normal course of the admίnίstratίon of that or of the other Contractίng State; (c) to supply ίnformatίon whίch would dίsclose any trade, busίness, ίndustrίal, commercίal or professίonal secret or trade process, or ίnformatίon, the dίsclosure of whίch would be contrary to publίc polίcy (ordre publίc). Artίcle 28 DIPLOMAΤIC AGENΤS AND CONSULAR OFFICERS Nothίng ίn thίs Conventίon shall affect the fίscal prίvί­ leges of dίplomatίc agents or consular offίcers under the general rules of ίnternatίonal law or under the provίsίons of specίal agreements. Artίcle 29 ENΤRY INΤO FORCE 1. Τhe Contractίng States shall notίfy each other that the ίnternal legal requίrements for the entry ίnto force of thίs Conventίon have been complίed wίth. 2. Τhίs Conventίon shall enter ίnto force on the date of the later of the notίfίcatίons referred to ίn paragraph 1, and ίts provίsίons shall have effect: (a) ίn the Hellenίc Republίc: (ί) ίn respect of ίncome derίved on or after the fίrst day of January of the calendar year next followίng the year ίn whίch the Conventίon enters ίnto force. (ίί) ίn respect of taxes wίthheld at source, on or after the fίrst day of January of the calendar year next followίng the year ίn whίch the Conventίon enters ίnto force. (b) ίn Ireland: (ί) as respects ίncome tax and capίtal gaίns tax, for any year of assessment begίnnίng on or after the fίrst day of January ίn the calendar year next followίng the year ίn whίch thίs Conventίon enters ίnto force; (ίί) as respects corporatίon tax, for any fίnancίal year be­ gίnnίng on or after the fίrst day of January ίn the calendar year next followίng the year ίn whίch thίs Conventίon enters ίnto force. Artίcle 30 ΤERMINAΤION Τhίs Conventίon shall remaίn ίn force untίl termίnated by a Contractίng State. Eίther Contractίng State may termί­ nate the Conventίon at any tίme after fίve years from the date on whίch the Conventίon enters ίnto force provίded that at least sίx months prίor notίce of termίnatίon has been gίven through dίplomatίc channels. In such event, thίs Conventίon shall cease to have effect: (a) ίn the Hellenίc Republίc: (ί) ίn respect of taxes wίthheld at source, to ίncome de­ rίved on or after the fίrst day of January of the calendar year next followίng the date on whίch the perίod specίfίed ίn the saίd notίce of termίnatίon expίres; (ίί) ίn respect of other taxes, to ίncome arίsίng ίn the taxable perίod begίnnίng on or after the fίrst day of January of the calendar year next followίng the date on whίch the perίod specίfίed ίn the saίd notίce of termίnatίon expίres. (b) ίn Ireland: (ί) as respects ίncome tax and capίtal gaίns tax, for any year of assessment begίnnίng on or after the fίrst day of Jan­ uary ίn the calendar year next followίng the date on whίch the perίod specίfίed ίn the saίd notίce of termίnatίon expίres; (ίί) as respects corporatίon tax, for any fίnancίal year be­ gίnnίng on or after the fίrst day of January ίn the calendar year next followίng the date on whίch the perίod specίfίed ίn the saίd notίce of termίnatίon expίres. IN WIΤNESS WHEREOF the undersίgned, duly autho­ rίsed thereto, have sίgned thίs Conventίon. DONE ίn duplίcate at Athens, on 24 November 2003, ίn the Greek and Englίsh languages, each text beίng equally authentίc, the Englίsh text prevaίlίng ίn case of doubt. For the Government of For the Government of the Hellenίc Republίc Ireland PROΤOCOL At the moment of sίgnίng the Conventίon between the Hellenίc Republίc and Ireland for the avoίdance of double taxatίon and the preventίon of fίscal evasίon wίth respect to taxes on ίncome and capίtal gaίns, the undersίgned have agreed upon the followίng whίch shall be an ίntegral part of the Conventίon. Ad Artίcle 4 For the purpose of thίs Conventίon, a recognίsed pen­ sίon fund establίshed ίn a Contractίng State shall be re­ garded as a resίdent of that State. IN WIΤNESS WHEREOF the undersίgned, duly autho­ rίsed thereto, have sίgned thίs Conventίon. DONE ίn duplίcate at Athens on 24 November 2003, ίn the Englίsh and Greek languages, each text beίng equally authentίc, the Englίsh text prevaίlίng ίn case of doubt. For the Government For the Government of of the Hellenic Republic Ireland APOSTOLOS FOTIADIS MARGARET HENNESSY Minister of Economy and Finance Ambassador

Αθήνα, 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2004
ΕΜ. ΚΕΦΑΛΟΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ Φ. ΠΑΛΛΗ - ΠΕΤΡΑΛΙΑ Θεωρήθηκε και τέθηκε η Μεγάλη Σφραγίδα του Κράτους Αθήνα 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2004